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Describing how the Android OS works (AOSP)
Explaining Treble and HIDL projects
Explaining development methods for the system’s low level layers (NDK, C/C++)
Describing AOSP customization for a new platform
Introducing Android security
Introducing Android Automotive OS (AAOS)
Introducing certification procedures (CDD/*TS)
A practical work is available for each item with a “star” (*).
Introduction to Android
Market share
Android “fragmentation”
Android vs Linux
Android for the industry (pros and cons)
Using AOSP
What is AOSP ?
The “repo” tool
Downloading the sources *
Compiling an AOSP image (for the emulator) *
Describing source content
Customizing / defining a target
Adding BusyBox *
Updating the boot animation *
Adding an application to the AOSP build *
Using a real board (fastboot)
The Android kernel
History and introduction
Linux kernel cross-compilation
Linux kernel “androidism”
Compiling the kernel for Android with GKI (Generic Kernel Image) *
Using a real board (BSP)
Android architecture
Android layers
• The Android framework
• Native libraries
• HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
• The Linux kernel
System server
Booting Android
Android graphic system
Focus on Treble / HIDL *
Focus on Android Auto Automotive OS (AAOS) *
Testing the Vehicle HAL *
Android SDK
User space development with the NDK (C/C++) *
Remote debugging *
JNI (Java Native Interface with C/C++) *
Example of hardware device access (Java → kernel) *
Verity (dm-verity)
Secure boot (AVB)
Encryption (dm-crypt)
SELinux *
Android applications developers, Linux developers, Linux projects managers
The skills required for the internship are the following: UNIX/Linux knowledge (using the shell !) - Some Java knowledge - Some C language knowledge
Matériels :
The following table shows the PC requirements (type of CPU, RAM, free space on the hard disk).
CPU : i5 or better (i7 preferred)
RAM : 16Gb or more (32Gb preferred)
Disk : 500 Gb or more
CDD (Compatibility Definition Document)
CTS (Compatibility Test Suite)
VTS (Vendor Test Suite)
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