Réservez les formations disponibles partout en France !

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  1. Accueil
  2. Commerce Marketing Communication
  3. Communication
  4. Prise de parole en public
  5. Public speaking
Public speaking

Public speaking

En centre
Non éligible CPF
Entreprise seulement
Sélectionnez une session :

Choisissez une date pour pouvoir réserver !

  • Develop consciences of our nonverbal impact during our communication with others
  • Learning tricks used by politicians and theater actors to control stress, voice projection, amelioration of your presence in public speaking.
  • Developing your natural talent to convince and bring the public on your side
  • Increasing your confidence in general outside of speaking in public

Components of oral expression

  • Verbal and non-verbal behavior
  • Expressing yourself with the appropriate gestures
  • Body dynamics in space
  • Training of breath control from the stomach
  • Coordination of voice and body

Stress Management

  • Familiarize yourself with your own emotions
  • Release yourself from the tension and the comprehension related to the stress
  • To limit the pressure of the moment and to find pleasurable experience

Acquisition and control of an effective oral communication

  • 10 principles to make your public intervention a success
  • To discover your hidden talents as a speaker for future use when needed

Rules for producing a coherent and positive speech

  • Construction of your speech, language and expressions
  • To convince and bring the public on your side : practical methods
Public visé



Participants must prepare their own presentation for the kick off

Méthodes pédagogiques
  • Actual role playing situations of public speaking
  • Filmed exercises Public speaking
  • Theater and improvisation pedagogies
  • Mimes
  • Individual Coaching on your talents, limited beliefs, blockings, your fears

Choisissez une date pour pouvoir réserver !

Autres formations disponibles :
Prochaines sessions disponibles :20 janv.18 févr.29 avr.26 mai
En centre
Non éligible CPF
Entreprise seulement
Prochaines sessions disponibles :20 janv.18 févr.29 avr.26 mai
En centre
Non éligible CPF
Entreprise seulement
Prochaines sessions disponibles :23 janv.18 févr.28 avr.26 mai
En centre
Non éligible CPF
Entreprise seulement
Prochaines sessions disponibles :27 janv.10 mars16 juin13 oct.
En centre
Non éligible CPF
Tarif réservé aux particuliers
Tarif entreprises
Prochaines sessions disponibles :27 janv.07 avr.07 juil.27 oct.
En centre
Éligible CPF
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