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Updating an existing Yocto BSP (adding a sensor support)
Creating a new device based on a standard one (Raspberry Pi)
Adding an “update” service with SWUpdate
BSP section
Use case on adding a sensor (MCP 9808, I2C bus)
Updating the kernel «device tree»
Configuring the kernel
Creating and integrating a kernel patch with «devtool»
Extending the Raspberry Pi device definition
Creating a configuration file for the device
Using the previous kernel (with MCP 9808 support)
Building an image for the new device
SWUpdate section
SWUpdate section
Why update a device ?
The package based approach (IPK, RPM, DEB)
Using an update framework
• SWUpdate
• Mender
Focusing on SWUpdate
Principles (the SWU file)
Using the internal web server
A simple example (adding files to a image)
Updating the root-filesystem
Using “rollback” (with 2 partitions)
Using an external HTTP server
Embedded Linux developers
The training is a practical extension to
the Yocto training
Matériels :
Practical work on Raspberry Pi
The training is based on Yocto 3.1 (Dunfell)
The Linux environment is Ubuntu 18.04 (VirtualBox)
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