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  5. Formation Yocto Open Embedded
Formation  Yocto Open Embedded

Formation Yocto Open Embedded

En centre
Non éligible CPF

Understanding Embedded Linux principles (0.5 day)

Understanding Yocto / OpenEmbedded principles (2.5 days)

Writing sample recipes based on OSS standards

• Autotools

• CMake

• Linux drivers

• Device Tree

Customizing existing Yocto recipes

Using Yocto tools (SDK, Devtool, ptest, testimage, etc.)

Building a Yocto “IoT” device !

Yocto est un moteur de génération d’image de distribution pour systèmes embarqués (Linux) particulièrement puissant et flexible.

Cette formation permet de bien maîtriser la problématique de la génération d’images avant de voir comment Yocto y répond.


Les + de cette formation

Une formation résolument tournée vers la pratique qui aborde point à point les problèmes rencontrés lors de la mise en place d’une distribution Yocto. Chaque étape de la formation est accompagnée d’un mini-TP permettant d’intégrer les concepts de l’outil au fur et à sure de la formation.


A practical work is available for each item with a “star” (*).


Embedded Linux section

GNU/Linux reminders

GPL/LGPL licenses

Introducing the cross-compilation

Cross-compiling the Linux kernel



Using a “build system”

• Pros and cons

• Main tools (Buildroot, Yocto/OpenEmbedded, etc.)


Yocto section

History (OpenEmbedded → Yocto)

Main concepts : BitBake, metadata, layers, inheritance, etc.

Creating the core-image-minimal distribution for QEMU/ARM

Generated directories (deploy and work)

Tuning and optimisation with local.conf and bblayers.conf

Creating a test layer *

Creating a recipe using a simple “Makefile” *

Using Autotools / CMake classes *

Package management (OPKG) *

Using module parameters *

Static and dynamic dependencies *


Layer priority, extending recipes (.bbappend) *

• Applying patches *

• Using configuration fragments *


Device tree integration *

Kernel recipes and modules (using the “module” class) *

Custom images and the “packagegroup” class *

Testing a custom image with NFS-Root *

Creating a custom “distro” *

Building and using the cross-toolchain (SDK/eSDK)

• Remote debugging with gdb/gdbserver *

Using “Devtool” *

Using external sources *

Using CI (“ptest” and “testimage”) *


Public visé

Embedded Linux developers, Embedded Linux projects managers


UNIX/Linux user experience (shell) / Basic C language knowledge

Informations complémentaires


Practical work on QEMU/ARM emulator - The training is based on Yocto 3.0.2 (Zeus) - The Linux environment is Ubuntu 18.04 (VirtualBox)


The training materials are provided as an .ova (Open Virtual Archive) file. It is therefore necessary to install VirtualBox on the target machine used by the trainee. In order to save time it is advisable to pre-install VirtualBox before the date of the training. Full installation (in order to have an optimized screen resolution) requires installing the extension pack, see: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads


Supported operating systems are:

• Windows (XP or higher)

• Linux

• Mac OS X 10.5 or higher


The following table shows the PC requirements (type of CPU, RAM, free space on the hard disk).

• CPU : i5 or better

• RAM: 4Gb or more

• Disk : 30 Gb or more

Autres formations disponibles :
Prochaines sessions disponibles :05 mars
En centre
Non éligible CPF
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Réalisation :Definima
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